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Standalone Imaging Suite Creating a patient-centric clinic experience 

Clinical imaging environments are often cluttered with tools and supplies, creating challenges for technologists to deliver optimal care and adding to patient discomfort and anxiety. In partnership with PDC, a provider of standalone imaging clinics, fuelfor prototyped a full-scale integrated imaging suite designed to improve patient comfort and compliance, as well as boost operational efficiency.
Client: GE Healthcare, 2010



When an imaging procedure involves multiple people, processes, tools and environments, how do we make sure that people – patients as well as staff – are not left feeling disoriented, uncomfortable and stressed?



It´s the small details that ease workflow and create patient satisfaction; somewhere secure to leave precious personal belongings, to be able to see the technician throughout the examination, to clearly and simply explain to your patient what will be happening and to enable loved ones to safely help keep a patient calm.



An integrated imaging suite module that can be customised for any imaging service provider, allowing them to offer a consistently comfortable and effective service.

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